New Web-Site

Hey Gang

Just wanted to let you all know:
I will still post to this site and do some sporadic maintainance on it - because I really like playing with it - but our main site has moved to

There you will be able to find the most up-to-the-minute details of upcoming hikes and events, as well as the blog, and pictures, and other cool stuff. Soon, we'll even have Great OutDoor Endeavors logoed gear you can purchase, which means we'll even have a "shopping cart." How cool is that?

So, see ya at the new site -



To Great OutDoor Endeavors! Our ministry is focused on understanding God, via nature, using the Bible as our guide. God has many things to say about the world He created and how it relates to us, and us to Him.

Our hikes, camping trips, and other outdoor activities focus on God’s creation and bringing us closer to Him. Using short devotionals, creation “tidbits”, and the Bible, we will strive to lead you to a better understanding of His word and a closer relationship with Him.

Join us as we explore God's creation in the Great OutDoors!


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Vote That Pleases God

"Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." 1Corinthians 10:31 (NKJV)

Have you ever thought of your vote that way? We rarely think of such things as something God would care about, at least I don't, but He does. As the above verse from Corinthians states, we should do everything in our lives so that God is glorified - even voting.

So, what kind of vote would glorify and please God? I'm glad you asked! I won't reveal who I will be voting for, but I'm guessing you'll be able to tell by the end of this blog. I will also not tell you who you should vote for. Hopefully you are praying about that and becoming as informed as possible to make the best possible choice. Your choice is a matter between you and God. In the end, no authority is given to anyone that isn't given by God Himself (Romans 13:1).

Most people I talk to mention one or two specific reasons, often times both, they are voting for, or against, a certain candidate. Those reasons are the economy and the War in Iraq. Don't get me wrong, both of these are important, and both impact this country, but they shouldn't guide your vote. God probably will not speak audibly to you and tell you who you should vote for, but He has left some principles in the Bible that will help guide you.

The overriding principle is found in the book of Matthew, chapter 6. It says, "seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." Stated another way it means, "seek out and do the things that honor and please God and He will take care of the things that you need, like food, clothing, IRA's, 401K's, etc..."

Another principle at work is this: Scripture says, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD." Psalm 33:12 (NKJV) How do we show that God is the Lord of our nation? I mean, beyond our just saying He is. It works the same for a nation as it does for an individual. The Bible says, "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven." (Matthew 7:21 NKJV) and, "If you love Me, keep My commandments." (John 14:15 NKJV) If we don't put a candidate in office who is willing to keep God's commandments or to do His will, how can our country be "blessed?" The answer is, "It won't be."

In a candidate, what are the things to look for that show he will honor God and show that He is the Lord of our nation? Here are three:

1. Thou shalt not kill. (Exodus 20:13) This is one of the 10 Commandments. Coupled with God's desire for us to help those who can't help themselves (Isaiah 1:16-17; 58:6-7; Matthew 25:36, James 1:27), and the fact that He formed us in the womb and knew us before we were born (Jeremiah 1:5), we should look for the candidate that defends the life of the unborn. Some may say that wars and capital punishment are killing and ask why that should be any different. The answer is simple, they fall in a different category. God has given the state a responsibility and permission to punish for certain crimes and war is certainly allowable, for the state, in certain cases. In no instance is any individual, working outside the dictates of the state and as a representative of the state, to kill. Period. In the case of unborn children, the state has no reason to impose the death penalty. One candidate has promised that the first thing he'd do is to sign the Freedom of Choice Act - not exactly being a defender of the defenseless.

2. God says that He will bless those who are a blessing to Israel and He will curse those who curse Israel. Which candidate is going to bless Israel and which will be a curse to them? That doesn't mean backing them even when they are clearly in the wrong, but it does mean being an ally to them when they are threatened, supporting them on the world stage, and, well, being a blessing to them whenever and however we can.

3. This will sound like I'm singling one group out for condemnation, but I only mention them because they are a focal point this election. One candidate has stated that he'd repeal the Defense of Marriage Act. If you are not familiar with DOMA, it protects marriage as being between one man and one woman; in other words, the way God meant it from the beginning (Genesis 2:24). While we all are sinners, and homosexuals are no more condemned then say - adulterers - God is clear that the behavior is abhorrent to Him, so we should not condone the practice. In fact, God says of those who would like to make immoral (by God's standards) behavior acceptable, "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" (Isaiah 5:20, NKJV) Which candidate will honor God by defending His original blueprint for marriage and not calling wrong "right"?

"Change," on it's own is neither "good" nor "bad." It's the direction of the change that's important. Change can take one of two forms, for the better or for the worse. Change for the sake of change is not the issue. It's which candidate will implement change that is more God honoring? Remember, God looks at the heart of the man, not at the "stature" of the man. If you'd like to read examples of "good" change, the stories of King Manasseh (2Kings 21 & 2Chronicles 33) and King Josiah (2Kings 22-23 & 2Chronicles 34-35) are good places to start.

I know the answer I've arrived at. I pray as you seek God, He will reveal the best choice to you - mine! ;-) Relax, I'm just kidding about that. I know He will reveal who He would have you choose, if you diligently seek the answer.

After the election, let's remember that this is still the greatest nation on earth, we are still one people, tribe and tongue, God is in control and he only allows to happen what He allows to happen. Let's be unified and subject to whomever He allows to rule over us.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Creation Scientists and Secular Arguments

OK, so I have a question. Hopefully, you to help me understand something.

Why is it that when someone one the evolution side wants to argue against Creationism, they never argue against the merits of Creation models. Rather, they will bring up everything from the Supreme Court (a legal body, not a science body) ruling against the teaching of Creationism, on the grounds of "separation" of Church and state (even though the Intelligent Design movement, generally, does not advocate a specific creator or religious point of view), to the simplistic argument that "virtually all" scientists believe in evolution.

I actually had someone respond to a letter to the editor I had written with those, exact words. Whether they were spoken in ignorance or in a deliberate attempt to mislead, I don't know. Either way, the argument is ridiculous.

First of all, the statement is simply not true. There are Creationists, whether Christian Biblical "young earthers" or from the I.D. movement, everywhere. These are not just some quack, no-one-takes-seriously fringe types, but solid, quite rational people with PhD's in their fields. What they have done, is to re-examine the evidence and assumptions and found better explanations for the data observed. If you search, you can even find folks on the secular side offering praise for the same Creationists secular work, then turn around and attack them for their Creationists views. If you'd like an example of this, do a search on Dr. Andrew A. Snelling. Dr. Snelling has a B.Sc. with first class honors in Applied Geology from the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, and a Ph.D. in Geology from the University of Sydney. I'll even give you a starting point for you search: On the one hand, Dr. Snelling is praised for his credentials and work, then blasted for his creationists views. If you'd like a rebuttal to Dr. Ritchie's ("noanwersingenesis") criticisms, may I recommend the recent movie Expelled? You'll see why Creationists aren't published in mainstream journals, for example. But again, it's always the "messenger," not the model that is attacked and criticized. If the evolution model is so superior, compare the models and let them speak for themselves. What is the evolution side afraid of?

Secondly, even if the statement was true, does that make it "right?" Seriously, back in the day when "virtually all scientists" thought the world was flat, did that make it "true?" Of course not! And when you examine the "evidences" and assumptions of the evolution side (with an open mind), you'll see, like the aforementioned PhD's, that the "proof" they offer does not make for quite such a solid argument as they would have you believe.

Here are two other links if you'd like to see what the Creationist side is doing: and Do a search on RATE and FAST at either, or both, sites to see some of the problems with evolutionist assumptions and to see some of the latest Creation models. Remember, though, they are just models, and like the evolutionist side, they are subject to change as new data and interpretations arise. The only "assumption" not open to change on the Creation side is "In the beginning, God created..." At least the Creation side is intellectually honest enough to make that statement, and not try to push their views as absolutely proven fact "this-is-definitely-the-way-it-happened."

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Odds and Ends

I promised to write about "science" and "religion" in the same blog last time, but I after a little more thought, I had two more ideas to add. So, here they are ...

The first thought is this: everyone dies. I don't mean to sound morbid or uncaring; it is a fact though, everyone dies. They may be young, they may be old, they may be somewhere in between, but everyone dies. The Bible says that "it is appointed for men to die once" (Hebrews 9:27, NKJV). Do you happen to know anyone of whom this is/was not true? If so, you can make big money by contacting the National Enquirer. It only seems unfair from our perspective when someone passes at a "young" age.

The second thought is this: The Bible teaches that sin entered this world through one man, Adam, and through his sin death entered the world and extended to all mankind (Romans 5:12). It also teaches that all of mankind is sinful and that there is not one single person who, on their own, is "righteous" before God (Romans 3:10, 23). God also says in His Word that the "wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23).
Now, again, not wanting to sound uncaring, but if you follow the logic, if we are all "sinners", and the penalty for being sinners is death, why are we surprised when the penalty is enacted.
The real question isn't, "Why would God allow innocent people to die?" What we should ask is this: "Why is God so generous to allow some of us to live and breathe for any length of time?" "Why, if we are condemned to death, would He allow us to carry on even one second?" Remember, no one is "innocent;" we are all guilty.
The answer is easy - He is a merciful judge and it's only through His kindness and mercy that we live.

I hear you out there - "But, I thought God is a God of love! How can anyone be condemned to death?"

While it's true God IS love (1John 4:8), not just a God of love, He is also completely HOLY and cannot tolerate the slightest hint of imperfection in His presence.

Two last thoughts -
1. This life is but a brief span compared to the life we will have in eternity. And rest assured, you will live forever after your life here on Earth is done. The only question is, will it be with God in Paradise, or will it be spent in a place of misery, "weeping (or, "wailing") and gnashing of teeth" (Matthew 8:12; 13:42, 50; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30), separated from God for eternity.
2. If you prefer the former over the latter, remember He made a way of escape for you. You simply have to choose the "lifeboat" called Jesus. The Bible is quite clear that "whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved" (Romans 10:13; NKJV).

Alright, so next week we mix "science" and "religion." Hopefully, I will surprise you. Come with an open mind ...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Who's In Charge? (part 2)

We know that in everything God works for good with those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28 (RSV)

OK, so what is the answer? If God is able to control events and circumstances, why doesn't He? Why does He allow Satan to work evil in this world (check out 1John 5:19 - "...the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.")?

These are the types of questions humans have been asking since after the days of Adam and Eve. Remember, they were there. They knew the answer to those questions. They were the cause of these questions in the first place.

The answer is ... it depends! Don't you hate that answer? It's like your parents answering you with - "maybe". It just leaves a lot to be desired. I told you there is no "one size fits all" answer to this question, though. Here, I'll give you five reasons why, however, there are more. I'll leave it to you to try to apply the correct reason to each situation. That's part of our relationship with God - seeking Him to find the answers.

The first reason: Adversity breeds toughness. Ever heard the expression, "tough times don't last; tough people do"? I've heard that when a bone is broken, that particular point is "stronger" and less likely to re-break than anywhere else along that bone. Now, I'm not sure if that's 100% true or not, but the principal it illustrates is a good one. When you face adversity, you come out stronger on the other end. Kind of a "that which doesn't kill us makes us stronger"deal. It's also been said that God is more interested in our character than our comfort. The overwhelming goal of the Christian is to become more "Christ-like". The Bible refers to God as a refining fire. Just as raw ore is sent through the fire in order to drive out impurities, so we sometimes are allowed to go "through the fire" in order to drive out impurities in our own lives. This thought leads me to the next, which is ...

Sometimes trials, suffering, adversity, etc..., are allowed, because God knows they are likely to drive us to Him. That's what occurred in my life; that's what occurs in many lives - people have to hit "rock bottom" with nowhere else to turn; that's when they look for God. That's His goal after all, to save us from eternal separation from Him to eternal residence with Him. That's why God sent His only begotten Son - so that whoever believes that He is God and that He died for their sins, can be saved for that purpose. These people are called "joint heirs to the Kingdom of Heaven" and "children of God". Those titles are reserved ONLY to those who have accepted Jesus and His work. He also says in His Word, the Bible, that if we seek Him, He will be found. It's a promise. This reasoning also answers the question, at least partially, of, "Why would/How could a loving God send anyone to hell?" I'll cover this, eventually, in more depth, but for now, let's make it clear. God doesn't send anyone to hell; they send themselves. I can hear you out there saying "What? Who would send themselves to hell?" They don't do it intentionally, for the most part, but they have a choice. We already covered how humans are responsible for our present condition through sin. We haven't covered the fact that God is absolutely pure (but, we will), and that He cannot stand any hint of imperfection in His presence (but, we will). Without Jesus (I'll explain "how" later), we stand no chance of entry into Heaven, but are condemned to hell. God did everything possible and gave everything possible, to provide a way for us to not go to hell. Whether we choose to jump in the lifeboat to escape the sinking ship or not, is exactly that - our choice.

Third reason: Its a test - for obedience, for patience, for trust, for faith, etc... It's there for your sake. It's there for you to see exactly where you are in your walk with God. Will you obey? Do you believe God will make a way? Do you believe He will provide? Just as in school, if there were no tests, neither you, nor the instructor, would know how much of the "material" you've mastered. The whole thing of walking with God is preparing you for your eventual citizenship in Heaven. Again, the standard is "Christ-likeness". By the way, did you know that that is what "Christian" means? It's a "disciple of Christ". What does a disciple do, but copy the one they follow.

Reason number four - and by the way, these are in no particular order - by suffering and enduring through trials, we develop empathy for others. The worst thing in the world (OK, maybe not the worst, but it's not good) is to say to someone who is suffering, "I know how you feel" if you've never suffered similar circumstances. You can't know. The other person knows you can't know. Your words carry no further weight from that point forward and is likely to cause anger or more hurt. The flip side is this - if you have indeed suffered in like manner, you are in a unique position to minister to that person that no one else can reach. You are in a position to be "Christ-like" to that person. I know God is thrilled when we are His "hands and feet" in this hurting world. It blesses the one we are able to minister to AND it blesses the one able to do the ministering. Parents who have lost a child in an accident can use their walk through the shadows to reach and encourage another set of parents enduring the same fate. A cancer survivor can use their battle to reach and encourage someone you and I couldn't even begin to relate to. You get the idea. Reason #4 here is the one reason where you'll be able to say, "I see why now." You might not be able to at the time, but looking back, you'll definitely see the connection.

The last reason will leave you a bit dissatisfied, but it is where your trust and faith live and work. Here it is, are you ready? You may never know why. At least, not on this side of eternity. God may choose not to reveal it to you and you may never be able to look back through life and see the "why" of it all. Did you read through Job like I asked? If you did, you'll see that God never did answer that question for Job. We get to see it, of course, but Job never does. What was Job's response, though? I'll paraphrase - "The Lord gives and the Lord takes. Though He slay me, I will still praise Him." Job understood what I said earlier - everything on the earth is God's, created by Him and for Him. He has the right to do with it as He sees fit. That would be scary if God were not pure, holy, and good, but He is, so it's not. You just have to have faith and trust that God will honor His Word and be true to His revealed character. He says that every good thing comes from above.

God says in Ecclesiastes that He will make everything beautiful in its time. That, basically, says what the verse at the top of this blog says. Did you read it? Here it is again to keep you from having to scroll, "We know that in everything, God works for good with those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28 (RSV). What does that mean? It means this - no matter what it is you are going through, God will use that for good in your life, if you are His.

Remember, all of us are subject to some kind of catastrophe in our lives; no one is exempt. The thing is, what are you going to do with it? Will you let it push you from God, or to God? Smart money says, let it push you to Him.

Talk to you later. Next time we'll look at using science to prove "creationism".

"Egad," you say. "You can't be serious. You can't mix science and religion"

I am, and I will ...

Coming Fall ‘09


Meet Your Maker - On the River!
Kayaking/canoing and an overnight camp on the Rappahannock River. Coming in September!

Upcoming Hikes

No local hikes scheduled. Hikes will be scheduled as weather permits.

Please let us know if you are interested in joining us, so that we don't leave you behind if you run late AND so we can notify you if we have to cancel.

**Please make sure that you re-check this site before leaving to meet us for any hikes. From time-to-time there will be changes in the schedule, due to weather or unforeseen problems. We will post changes as quickly as possible.

More Upcoming Events

Camping in Shenandoah National Park

Trip Is Full

Friday, July 21 - Sunday, June 23, 2009

We will be pursuing God through His creation at Matthew Arm campground and through two hikes in the park.

Come ready to Meet Your Maker!

Contact Mike at for an itinerary and cost info.

*Details to follow.


Meet Your Maker - Under the Stars!

Friday night, August 14, 10 p.m. - 2 a.m.

Come join us as we watch the Perseids Meteor Shower. The Perseids is one of the best meteor showers to observe, producing up to 60 meteors per hour at their peak.

We will enjoy God's handiwork and find God's provision and protection in this amazing event!

Bring a blanket or chair and your favorite drinks and snacks, then sit back and be amazed ...

*Cloud cover can cause viewing to be severely reduced. In the event of clouds/bad weather, the makeup date will be Saturday, Aug. 15.

Please contact Mike at for more information.