New Web-Site

Hey Gang

Just wanted to let you all know:
I will still post to this site and do some sporadic maintainance on it - because I really like playing with it - but our main site has moved to

There you will be able to find the most up-to-the-minute details of upcoming hikes and events, as well as the blog, and pictures, and other cool stuff. Soon, we'll even have Great OutDoor Endeavors logoed gear you can purchase, which means we'll even have a "shopping cart." How cool is that?

So, see ya at the new site -



To Great OutDoor Endeavors! Our ministry is focused on understanding God, via nature, using the Bible as our guide. God has many things to say about the world He created and how it relates to us, and us to Him.

Our hikes, camping trips, and other outdoor activities focus on God’s creation and bringing us closer to Him. Using short devotionals, creation “tidbits”, and the Bible, we will strive to lead you to a better understanding of His word and a closer relationship with Him.

Join us as we explore God's creation in the Great OutDoors!


Thursday, August 14, 2008

GOD Endeavors

God Created This?

"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." Romans 1:20 (NIV)

As Valerie and I have been hiking over the last several weeks, the thought has occurred to me that anyone looking at the world as it exists presently, may have a hard time finding God in it.

As we've hiked the trails, we've come across more than one little bird that had made its last flight. Not only had they flown their last, but it was obvious they had been another creature's dinner. We've come across numerous berry-pit filled evidences of bear along the trails. The thought has crossed my mind that, if hungry enough, those same bear wouldn't mind having us share the same fate as those birds.

We've seen plants that are struggling to survive the drought of summer. We've been on trails that were nearly overgrown with tangles of branches and thorny berry bushes (and possibly bear hiding among them, just out of eyesight, waiting for the right moment for "carry-out").

The last trail was strewn with loose rock that made descending very difficult. They also choked out any, and all, vegetation.

The thoughts extend off the trail as well. They go to the family of a young girl killed in a car accident trying to understand "why." They go to babies born with defects and diseases. They go to victims of "natural" (though, eventually, I hope to show they aren't "natural" at all) disasters such as earthquakes, floods and tornados.

One can hear the voices asking, "Where was God when ...," or, "How could God allow ...," or "What kind of God would cause ...."

So, what are the answers? How can what we see in our world be reconciled with a God of love (1John 4:16) and compassion (Lam. 3:22-23)? What happened? Where is God in all this?

There are answers. It begins with a proper understanding of God and His character. It begins with a proper understanding of the way things were meant to be. It begins with a proper understanding of man's intended relationship with God and the relationship between actions and consequences. If you'll indulge me over the next couple of posts, I'd like to re-assure you that God does care and that He is still in control and that you can find Him if you look for Him. He's still here. He hasn't moved, and He's waiting for you - patiently - to give you a hope and a joy and a peace beyond comprehension.

Our beginning verse said that God should be seen and understood by what He's made. If you're having trouble seeing Him, or maybe you don't even believe, but you're curious, this is what I say to you tonight: Come along on some great big ole' GOD adventures. Discover Him for Who He is and the plans He has for you. Join in and discover the One who said He formed you in the womb. He knows you and wants to be known by you. Its possible, and its a journey worth taking!

Until next time ...

Coming Fall ‘09


Meet Your Maker - On the River!
Kayaking/canoing and an overnight camp on the Rappahannock River. Coming in September!

Upcoming Hikes

No local hikes scheduled. Hikes will be scheduled as weather permits.

Please let us know if you are interested in joining us, so that we don't leave you behind if you run late AND so we can notify you if we have to cancel.

**Please make sure that you re-check this site before leaving to meet us for any hikes. From time-to-time there will be changes in the schedule, due to weather or unforeseen problems. We will post changes as quickly as possible.

More Upcoming Events

Camping in Shenandoah National Park

Trip Is Full

Friday, July 21 - Sunday, June 23, 2009

We will be pursuing God through His creation at Matthew Arm campground and through two hikes in the park.

Come ready to Meet Your Maker!

Contact Mike at for an itinerary and cost info.

*Details to follow.


Meet Your Maker - Under the Stars!

Friday night, August 14, 10 p.m. - 2 a.m.

Come join us as we watch the Perseids Meteor Shower. The Perseids is one of the best meteor showers to observe, producing up to 60 meteors per hour at their peak.

We will enjoy God's handiwork and find God's provision and protection in this amazing event!

Bring a blanket or chair and your favorite drinks and snacks, then sit back and be amazed ...

*Cloud cover can cause viewing to be severely reduced. In the event of clouds/bad weather, the makeup date will be Saturday, Aug. 15.

Please contact Mike at for more information.